LMC Owners supporting El Buen Samaritano

Our story
El Buen Samaritano Charity has been supporting hungry individuals in Cartagena for 25 years. We started small, with a generous restaurateur cooking for these memebers of the community brought by a local Evangelical church. The support of Wolfgang Gehmacher and his wife Dorle, along with financial assistance from friends and fellow owners, helped establish the Charity as an integral part of La Manga Club life.
Our mission
At El Buen Samaritano Charity, our mission is to assist our less fortunate neighbours. We provide fresh and pre-packed food as well as donating clothes, cleaning products, personal hygiene, assisting with medical requirements and work placements. We strive to make a direct positive impact on the community and provide support where it’s most critically needed.
Why we need your support?
The demand for our services has rapidly increased, with over 600 people a day seeking support. However, economic crisis and lack of funding have made it challenging to meet this ever increasing demand. Whilst we organise fundraising activities, there is still a pressing need for additional assistance to ensure we can continue to help these people who are most in need.
As the Ukrainian war further exacerbates the situation, our major food donor, Fega, is struggling to provide supplies. Despite the challenges, we remain committed to providing our support to the community and pledge to never turn away a hungry mouth. We rely heavily on the generosity of individual donors, groups and fundraising events such as the annual 5 Kilo Golf Tournament and Lunch to sustain our operations.
Your support is crucial in helping us feed as many people as possible, especially during these difficult economic times. Together, we can make a difference to many lives and ensure no one in our community goes without the necessary support they need.
For any questions please contact Eileen Dunmore directly via email – eileendunmore@gmail.com
To directly donate today please send to the below charity bank account;
LMC Owners Charity
ES58 2100 4369
9002 0013 3277